

We're excited to meet you where you are on your path to health wellbeing because your quality of life matters! Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns and let's get started on your journey to a more fulfilling and exciting life.

Initial Consultation

You’re probably having some issues that are difficult to resolve, otherwise you wouldn’t be here. If you are unfamiliar with Naturopathy you may be wondering what happens during the initial consultation. Here’s an overview:

  • I (the naturopathic doctor) discuss with you the areas of health you are concerned about improving. Together we go through the comprehensive health assessment and your answers to lifestyle questions.
  • If during your initial strategy call we ordered lab test, we will go over those results and discuss what support may be advisable.
  • You will help put together a FREE Bach flower essence remedy, created specifically to help balance your emotional needs.
  • Foundational health goals are set according to your priorities and feedback. These goals may include supplements, remedies or other types of “homework”. You need to be fully committed to your health and to taking steps to get your health to where you want it to be. Our responsibility is to present the most appropriate options and come up with solutions you can take to achieve your goals as quickly and safely as possible.
  • A follow-up consultation is scheduled.

*Please note We will never advise you to go off medication you have been prescribed by a physician. You can create an environment for your body to heal itself and you will work with the physician to cut back safely at a time you both decide is appropriate.

Ongoing Consultations

During follow-up consultations we will look at how you have progressed on your health goals to celebrate your successes and discuss the next area(s) of focus. Further assessment is done to see what your next steps will be and the timeframe that best suits your needs.

Energizing Foot Bath

The Energizing Foot Bath uses technology to energize and balance your body - empowering your body to heal itself. This 35 minute session starts with your feet immersed in soothing, warm water that has enhanced bio-energy which recharges the life force within you allowing your body to refresh, revitalize and re-energize itself.

The foot bath water may change colors due to a variety of factors and is not just a sign of detoxification. The Energizing Foot Bath balances the natural electrical pathways of your body and energizes the body in a safe and relaxing way.

Note: This service may be limited due to a client’s medication use timing. It is not permitted for people who have internal electrical devices. Please contact our office for further details.


In this 1 1/2 hour sessions, we’ll be able to analyze areas of stress in your body and mind. Relaxation is a common result. Each session will end with suggestions on next steps for client follow-up are made.


I’m a life-long learner and love to pass along useful health information to you. All of the classes are interactive and questions are encouraged. Whether it’s a short hour-long class or one that takes half the day (or more), the information is presented in a way with real life application in mind. By the end of the session you will be able to confidently take action on what you have learned. We will also have a little fun while we are at it.


(254) 252-2574
7524 Bosque Blvd. Suite D

Waco, TX 76712

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